Catalogo Dialogo con la natura

31 vate collections. She is featured in the 2020 edition of the De Agostini Atlas of Contemporary Art, the most comprehensive survey of Italian artists from 1950 to the present. In 2006 she was invited to exhibit as honour guest at the International Photo Festival in Lodz (Poland), in 2010 at the Italian Cultural Institute in Damascus (Syria) with the solo exhibition Urban Visions in Progress and at the International Symposium in Idlib (Syria) organized by the Syrian Ministry of Culture. The following have written critical texts for her catalogues: Giorgia Calò, Maurizio Calvesi, Antonietta Campilongo, Cristina del Ferraro, Manuela De Leonardis, Federica Di Stefano, Micol Di Veroli, Barbara Drudi, Carlo Ercoli, Gianluca Marziani, Manuela Pacelli, Sergio Rispoli, Agnieszka Zakrzewicz.