34 the light of pure thought, freed from rational chains, is revealed. Therefore, through painting Lauriola puts in place that noetic activity of the soul through which she achieves an intuitive and unfiltered knowledge. Technically, this is translated into an informal gesture spread out on the bottom of the canvas in which the use of resin is fundamental. This material, in fact, brings out veils, effects and reactions that are hypothesised and hoped for but without the certainty of the result. Resin, in fact, escapes the complete control of the artist and has the unique capacity to be as unpredictable as life itself. The shapes outlined on the chromatic drafting, hinged on a confident and non – descriptive stroke, emerge directly from the nebulae of the subconscious and are connected with the feeling of peace and tranquillity deriving from the achievement of empathy with the essence of natural reality. The gestures and posture of the figures, thanks to an incisive sign, manage to communicate sensations with a strongly expressive non –verbal language. So Lauriola, at the moment in which thought without reflective anchorages reaches the contemplative dimension, associates this state with images that come from her own ego and complete and confirm the perceived supersensible. Therefore, the lines trace outlines on the canvas which, arising from intuitive activity, are then affirmed and structured with idealised details and characters unrelated to their historical context. The viewer in front of Lauriola's works is subject to a synaesthetic stimulation in which the colour palette plays a major role. The subdued colours, which sometimes become stronger, envelop the sensitivity of the viewer, who hears sounds in the background that are not audible to the ear. The consequence is an immediate sense of harmony and calm in which the subjects on the canvases with their analogical language stimulate a cognitive process within the represented dimension. Carlo Ercoli